Intimate Partner Violence: Recognition and Intervention, 3rd Edition


Course Description

Course Description:

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a critical public health concern that encompasses all forms of abuse or aggression occurring in the context of a current or former romantic relationship. IPV can include physical and/or sexual violence, stalking, and psychological types of aggression such as coercion, threats, and social isolation (National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Division of Violence Prevention, 2022). Sexual violence or sexual assault (SA) in particular, defined as any sexual contact perpetrated without the explicit consent of the recipient, is often perpetrated by someone known to the victim—in a national survey, nearly 20% of women who reported experiencing IPV indicated that this included SA (Smith et al., 2018).  

The purpose of this intermediate, continuing education course is to provide healthcare professionals across all professions with definitions of and guidelines for the identification of IPV, as well as foundational content on responding to disclosure of IPV in various settings. Participants will be able to assess, document, and intervene with clients or patients experiencing IPV in a trauma-informed manner. Further, learners will become acquainted with appropriate referral options and strategies for ensuring safe, effective, and nonjudgmental care of persons affected by IPV. Course materials include a list of general referral and specialized resources as well as information on reporting policies and procedures to assist providers in caring for this population.   

Contact Hours: 6
Text Course Format: Text
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate